About Us
2. Our secondary goal is to strengthen the good people to safeguard the Muslim heritage of Africa.
We Know Poverty!
We have ZERO Tolerance for Wastage in Relief Work!
Mali Relief will make sure that your hard earn donations get to the right place without adding high salaries to it.
Mali’s Muslim Americans are leading Mali Relief with zero staff cost to donors. No administrative expenses are deducted from your donations!
Mali Relief has been busy building schools, mosques, and wells, supporting orphans, and offering relief supplies for over 5 years
Mali-Americans is a small community of Muslims in the USA. However, we contribute to the society through our hard work and would like to improve our society back home as well.
Relief Fund for Mali is initiated by Masjid Al-Farooq, the fastest growing mosque in the south side of Chicago, to organize relief efforts for Mali and West Africa in general, where there are hardly any Muslim-run relief organizations operating.
Masjid Al-Farooq is our fiscal agent and will issue tax-deductible receipts for your donations until Mali Relief acquires its own 501 (C) 3 status
IRS EIN# 46-128-1319 Relief Fund for Mali is incorporated in the State of Illinois